Connecting diverse communities And organisations
What is WAMA
WAMA is an association to bring people together for a platform for Multicultural Cultures to interact and promote community engagement.
Our events as suggested by the community are held to enhance members cultural competency, develop intercultural communication skills, and gain insights into global perspectives which are valuable assets in an increasingly interconnected world.

Mission & Values
- Promote multiculturalism and social cohesion for all members of our community.
- Coordinate and facilitate cultural, recreational, educational activities and significant community events.
- Provide information and empower all community members to access services available.
- Promote these objectives and association activities through various media channels.
Background & Achievements
WAMA Inc began its life as a sub-committee of the Abruzzese Emigrant Association of Australia (AEAA) Inc to assist to raise funds to build the Community Pavilion located in Ozone Park, East Perth.

This project was a collaborative initiative of the AEAA, the City of Perth, Lotteries West and WAMA Inc.
Through the support of the Italian and other communities, organisations and members of the public the Community Pavilion was completed in 2014.
On the 23 March 2014 the Pavilion was inaugurated and to celebrate this milestone WAMA organised a Multicultural Festival with the support of a grant from the Office of Multicultural Interests to coincide with the Harmony Week Celebrations.
WAMA hosted other social and cultural events to support its members and promote social cohesion including a multicultural dinner dance, providing candidates to participate in the Damayang Filipino Mother Dear International Queensfest 2013, held “The Art of Traditional Italian Sausage Making” event and coordinated cultural diversity training and community information sessions.
WAMA has also organised three Multicultural Youth Talent Quests for the community. These have been done to help our youth maintain traditional values.